Organic Coconut Syrup Black Treacle is a syrup product that uses the basic ingredients from Coconut Sugar Block 2nd Grade and 3rd Grade mixed with Fresh Coconut Sap. By product from Organic Coconut Syrup – Black Treacle is by product of VHP Coconut Sugar. VHP Coconut sugar or commonly called Raw sugar in the cane sugar industry. Coconut Sugar VHP can be used as basic ingredients for organic coconut light syrup amber, amber medium, amber and with the method of reprocessing Coconut Sugar VHP can also  be used as raw material for organic coconut colorless syrup & golden yellow. Black Treacle also known as Mollases in Cane Sugar Industry. We don’t use citric acid & Fermented Sugar / Rejected Material. We able to make our Organic coconut syrup black treacle brix up to 85% without any crystallization.

Organic Coconut Syrup Black Treacle comes from Strike 1 Massecuite. By Using Strike 1 Massecuite, it has advantages on the Organic coconut syrup black treacle product as follow:

1. The taste of our Organic Coconut Syrup black treacle is the same as coconut sugar in coconut products, with very dark grade- in general.

2. The product has no bitter taste & no fermentation note taste.

3. Compared to the method of acidic addition which is commonly used by other manufacturers, our organic coconut syrup black treacle product has no sour taste so it will be perfect for any purposes.

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